Saturday, June 11, 2011

LESSON 7: “The Sunna of Allah”

LESSON 7: “The Sunna of Allah”

1)      Introduction:

The practical problem with sects is that they miss the point (by “sect” I imply a deliberate division).

The Sunni sect holds that those who do not uphold ahadith as obligatory are non-Muslims.

To justify, it brought verses taken out of context.

It attempted to prove that the “pillars” were incomprehensible without ahadith, but they were learnt in lessons 4 and 5.

As a last resort, it contends that those who do not follow ahadith are not making the right effort.

It therefore contradicts the reason for its existence.

If it does not label “Qur’an-Alone” as a diverted sect, ahadith are no longer mandatory.

If that is correct, there is no excuse as to why Islam is in its current state.

Sunnis justify themselves by believing in an invisible war on Islam, but the problem is their own.

They miss the point of Islam, so they cannot defend or fix it.

Sunnism (with Shi’ism) is an overweight institution which when it tries to move, trips on itself.

Let us see what it means to be Muslim:

2)      The Qur’an is a Book of principles () and examples (17:89).

The Qur’an instructs us to do good (16:128).

We should stand up for what is right and not allow injustice to triumph (2:190, 4:75).

We should exercise forgiveness (2:109, 2:263, 7:198-199, 15:85).

It tells us to enjoin patience and compassion (90:17). We can perform no action without this in mind.

(e.g. we consider all factors and possibilities when deciding punishment.)

We should treat war-captives well and release them when possible (2:177, 4:25, 4:36, 5:89, 16:71, 24:33, 47:4, 90:13). 

Allah loves mutual kindness between all people (60:8).

We should not judge people without knowledge (4:94, 49:11).

Insults are discouraged and should be justified (4:148, 6:108).

Allah enjoins hygiene and humility (2:222, 25:63, 33:35), so we apply this.

We should avoid indecency (6:151, , 29:45, 42:37).

We should be grateful to Allah (4:147) for all good things because they come from Him (4:79).

(If we remember this, we will be thankful for every day, every meal etc..)

We should eat only what is good (healthy), and what is supposed to be food (5:4).

Allah tells us to study the Qur’an ourselves (3:79) and to seek knowledge (, 20:114, 27:82-84, 29:20).

We are told not to follow anything without real knowledge (29:36).

(Therefore those who refer queries to others without also researching are falling short.)

As followers of Allah, people should bring absolute proof of any religious claim (2:111, ).

(“Isnad” is not absolute proof).

We must not be religiously immoderate (5:77).

No-one can compel another to follow a religion or restrict their rights because of religion (2:256).

We must not be selfish or deceptive (2:275, 25:67, 25:72, 57:23-24).

Wealth should not be hoarded or squandered on unnecessary things (2:215, 2:219).

Marriage should be consensual (2:232, ).

Marriage is about love, respect and commitment (2:187, 2:226-227, 2:228, 2:231, , , 4:128, 30:21). 

Laws and judgements should be equitable for all (5:8).

(Some exceptions should be made by special request (e.g. adultery by non-Muslims) ().)

We must never forget Allah (3:191).

3)      Conclusion:

 - If one practices these precepts and adheres to the Qur’an in its entirety, one will be a good Muslim (17:9).

 - The entire notion of “Muhammad’s Sunna” is redundant for those who can understand (3:79, 34:6).

- The point of Islam is to exercise these principles, not to fuss about rituals (3:177).

- It is no-one’s concern how others practice religion. Allah knows who best-guided (17:84).

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